Project examples

Project title



Longhurst Group


Newborough, Peterborough

Application number



In March 2023, Landmark Planning secured approval in the first instance for 30 affordable homes in Newborough, Peterborough, after considerable statutory and local opposition.

Technical illustration showing the housing area, with houses marked-in, tree areas and its connection to the area around it. Uses black lines and coloured keys


Project title

City Hub


Nottingham College


Central Nottingham

Application number



In 2018 approval was secured for the £60 million Educational Hub for Nottingham College on land to the east of the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre. This is a critical project for the Nottingham economy. It was a very complex proposal with a very wide range of issues, particularly heritage. Consent was secured exactly to budget and a very tight timetable.

City Hub Nottingham front photo. Shows the triangular building design in the evening with students walking around the front

Main entrance.

City Hub Nottingham looking north photo. Shows the buildings with road in front and the city behind

Looking north.

City Hub Nottingham looking south photo. Shows students walking in front of the new building on a sunny day

Looking south.

Project title



Mr & Mrs Tipper


Rangemore, East Staffordshire

Application number



In March 2023, Landmark Planning secured approval for a paragraph 80 dwelling at Rangemore. Exceptionally the consent was secured without being presented to planning committee or requiring a planning appeal.

Digital rendition of the modern building with glass windows all the way round, and various raised green grass areas, surrounded by walls

Digital visualisation.

Shows a more zoomed-in section of the building front, shows large glass front, then loads of yellow flowers in the foreground and long pavement running down the left hand side

Digital visualisation.

Project title

Brookfield Farm


Homefield College


Burton on the Wolds

Application number



In December 2022, Landmark Planning achieved planning permission for a SEND (special educational needs and disability) school, on an existing dwelling and its 5 hectare plot, in the open countryside near Loughborough, after overcoming considerable concerns and objections.

Aerial photographic view of the site area, shows many green fields, then a horizontal triangle with a red outline in the middle marking the area


Project title

Moreton Morrell Animal House


Warwickshire College



Application number



Moreton Morrell is part of the Warwickshire College Group and is a centre that teaches all types of animal husbandry to post-16 students. It is located in a special landscape area, so the proposals had to be particularly sensitive to its important location. The facility is part of the latest expansion to improve both the teaching environment and the health, of the wide variety of animals located at the College campus. Approved January 2024.

Technical CAD drawing with mainly black lines, shows a large space to the left and right with a triangular roofed smaller building in the middle. Blue lines in the background signifying the sky.

Digital building elevation visualisation.

Project title

Kings Veterinary Centre


Veterinary Farm Solutions and R. & R. Country Store


Thorpe Arnold, Melton

Application number



In July 2022, Landmark Planning secured planning permission for a veterinary centre, that was a part of allocated Green Wedge space in Thorpe Arnold, Melton Mowbray.

Digital visualisation of the front of the veterinary centre, shows a large triangle wooden front of the left, with a large glass entrance and doors, then a shorted area to the right with car parking spaces on the front

Digital visualisation.

Project title

Airfield Farm


Taylor Wimpey


Market Harborough

Application number



In November 2018, planning permission was achieved for 979 dwellings for Taylor Wimpey at Wellington Place, Market Harborough. Approval was achieved in advance of the programme and represented the largest ever investment by their East Midlands Unit.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

Street scene.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.


On-site photo of the team in hard hats and high visibility jackets with diggers in the background

Development team.

Project title

Inwoods House Care Village


Hillbase Ltd



Application number

R16/2333, R20/0213


In November 2020, consent was achieved from Rugby Borough Council for a care village outside the settlement limits of the town. The scheme comprises a 60 bed dementia unit, 40 apartments and 11 bungalows.

Technical illustration showing the plan and details for the site

Proposed site layout.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

Digital visualisation.

Project title

Avitas Buildings


Hodder & Partners



Application number



Hybrid application for 8 storey scheme of 310 flats and 11,000 square foot of commercial floorspace. Working with Hodder & Partners (Stirling Prize winners) planning permission was won in 2018, on a very difficult sloping site in inner Nottingham on Alfreton Road.

Final photo of the floorspace. Sunny day showing the new building featuring a square inset window design, with people walking around

Digital visualisation.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

Ground floor plan.

Project title

Hindu Temple


Not applicable



Application number



Consent was secured by Landmark Planning for the change‑of‑use, conversion and alteration of a former industrial building in Leicester, to a Hindu Community Centre. The works featured details that are typical of temple architecture, found in northern India, and has created a significant landmark building. The centre is primarily a place of worship, but also provides opportunities for education and health guidance, as well as a facility to take part in traditional forms of music, art and dance. At a cost of £4 million, funded by the local community, this building now forms a focal point for the area. In August 2024, we are working on a wider masterplan for the site.

Photo of the front of the site before remodeling. Shows single storey triangular factory type buildings

Before remodeling.

Photo of the front of the site after remodeling. Shows the new Hindu Centre with various spires

After remodeling.

Project title

Out-of-centre retail unit





Application number



On behalf of Poundstretcher, Landmark Planning changed a condition in January 2016, that previously limited the sale of goods, at an out-of-centre retail unit. We successfully demonstrated that a variation of condition, to allow floorspace for food, toiletries and toys, would not affect the vitality and viability of Cardiff, and would satisfy the sequential and retail impact tests.

Poundstretcher logo. Red then fades to yellow with a pound sign on

Project title



KFC restaurant


Thurmaston Lane, Leicester

Application number



Landmark Planning successfully secured planning permission in July 2014, at planning committee for a KFC restaurant, on a former derelict employment site in Leicester. Landmark Planning overcame significant opposition from Tesco, who claimed their own site was a sequentially preferable location. Landmark Planning’s presentation convinced members, to reverse the officer’s recommendation and approve the scheme.

Technical line drawing illustration showing various measurements and details of the new KFC restaurant


Project title

Norwich Sustainable Urban Extension


Lothbury Property Trust



Application number



Landmark Planning are the planning consultants promoting land east of Norwich, for a mixed use sustainable urban extension. This includes 600 homes, a major business park, retailing and a new rail halt on behalf of Lothbury Property Trust Company Ltd. Broadland District Council granted planning permission, on 28 June 2013.

Since securing the approval, we have succeeded in achieving a further 300 plus dwellings on a nearby site in the Growth Triangle Area Action Plan (GT AAP), not originally allocated. This agreement was secured at the public inquiry into the Action Plan. Now it also includes off-site open space located to the north.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

Sustainable movement and environment plan.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

Local plan allocation.

Project title

Science and Technology Park


Sowden Developments


Exploration Drive, Leicester

Application number



Landmark Planning are involved with securing permission for the first phase of the planned Science and Technology Park. 10 years in the pipeline, the current proposal is for the joint construction of a supermarket, to fund the first phase of the Science and Technology Park. A new pedestrian and cycle bridge across the River Soar, is also incorporated into the proposals. Planning permission with a S106 agreement was secured.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.


Final photo of the front of the science and technology park. Shows the modern building with a road in front and people walking on grass outside the building

Business centre.

Project title

Allerton Trust Visitors Centre


Allerton Trust



Application number

08/01222/FUL, 23/00532/FUL


The Allerton Trust is a bio-diversity charity with a centre in Loddington, Leicestershire. The latest project was for a visitor centre, that won the Procon Sustainable Development of the Year Award. Landmark Planning were the planning consultant for this scheme. In 2023 we secured 3 overnight research huts for the Trust, that incorporated external walls clad with straw bales, and sheeps wool for roof insulation. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on the roof generate electricity, rainwater harvesting and a wood chip biomass boiler, secure a very energy efficient building. In 2023, we secured 3 overnight research huts for the Trust.

Photo of the centre showing breeze blocks and a constructor fitting in hay on scaffolding

Under construction.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

Completed centre.

Project title

Loughborough University East Park Campus


Loughborough University



Application number

Not applicable


This masterplan sets out the proposals for the redevelopment of the university’s East Park Campus. The intention is to transform the efficiency of the layout, and create a distinct sense of place, currently lacking as the campus grows over many years. The masterplan is currently being incorporated into the new statutory Local Development Framework, in association with Charnwood Borough Council.

Colourful illustration showing the various areas and aspects of the campus

Zoning of the campus.

Colourful illustration showing the various buildings of the site

Proposed layout.

Project title

Charles Street Urban Design Analysis


West London Properties



Application number

Not applicable


This 10 page urban design statement proposes a mixed use development. It examines the relationship between the scale and height of the proposed development, the character and setting of Charles Street, the conservation area, the adjacent listed building, the proposed relationship with surrounding buildings, the street fenestration alignment, and the impact on the site’s courtyard in terms of sunlight.

Image of the front cover showing Charles Street with various city buildings and apartments

Urban design analysis.

Image of page 3 of the statement with paragraphs and a technical drawing in the middle showing various details of the street and buildings

Contextual analysis, page 3